In The Media

PBS’s MetroFocus Television Program News

15 February, 2018 . PBS’s MetroFocus Television Program News-On the Front Line Guidance Center interviewed about the fight for timely and affordable access for mental health and addictions care Watch The Video Here

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One Good Parental Turn

From Anton Media, Feb.7, 2018 Remembering without awareness is a phrase I really like. It suggests the retrieval of a memory that escapes conscious awareness. Recently, I passed the 20-year mark without either parent, and many more years without grandparents. One...

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The fight for parity

  By: Adina Genn, Long Island Business News,  February 2, 2018 On Long Island, a mother with “Cadillac level” medical benefits struggled to get her child counseling when all of the professionals she called on the North Shore said they don’t take insurance. A...

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Tackling The Stigma Attached To Mental Health

From Anton Media, December 20, 2017 Andrew Malekoff, center, along with State Senators Elaine Phillips and Todd Kaminsky Last week, the Roslyn-based North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center hosted a conference highlighting the difficulties Long Islanders face...

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