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More Ways To Help

You Can Make The Difference

All children and families deserve access to excellent mental healthcare services. Here’s how you can help:

1. Provide Financial Support
  • Make a sustaining monthly donation to the Guidance Center. Any amount, no matter how large or small, will mean the world to children and families in need of care.
  • Sponsor a special event or specific program with a one-time or recurring donation.
  • Honor a loved one or acknowledge a family event through a gift to the Guidance Center.
  • Demonstrate your concern for the welfare of the children in your community by taking advantage of a naming opportunity at one of our three sites.
  • Planned Giving: Create a lasting legacy with a gift of appreciated securities/stock, real estate, partnership interests, life insurance or retirement plan. You may also wish to remember the Guidance Center in your will or trust by making a bequest.
IRA Charitable Rollover

It’s time for some good financial news! With a Qualified Charitable Distribution, also commonly known as an IRA Charitable Rollover gift, if you are 70½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center and receive tax benefits in return. You can give any amount up to $100,000 per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as ours without increasing your taxable income. *

How it Works:
Notify your IRA custodian to make a direct transfer of the distribution amount from your IRA to North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center.
You take the portion of your required minimum distribution (RMD) that you need as income and transfer the remainder to us, thereby only paying income tax on the needed income.
Obtain a written acknowledgment from the qualified charity (different from a tax deduction receipt) to benefit from the tax-free treatment.
Your Benefits:
You can transfer up to $100,000 per year to charitable organizations such as the Guidance Center.
The distribution to charity counts toward your required minimum distribution for the year.
The amount transferred is excluded from your adjusted gross income.
Many taxpayers now take the standard deduction, eliminating the need for deductions associated with charitable gifts.
To Qualify:
You must be age 70 ½ or older at the time of the gift.*
Transfers must be made directly from a traditional IRA by your IRA administrator.
Gifts must be outright, and the donor cannot receive any goods or services in exchange for their contribution.

* Changes were made by the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, which was signed by the President on December 20, 2019. Due to changes made by the SECURE Act, if your 70th birthday is July 1, 2019 or later, you do not have to take withdrawals until you reach age 72.

** Please consult your tax advisor to confirm how you would benefit from this opportunity.

2. Donate Your Time or Talent
  • Volunteer at the Children’s Center, our childcare center at Nassau County Family Court.
  • Join an event committee and help with our Gala, Golf & Tennis Classic or Spring Luncheon. Visit our Fundraiser page to learn more.
  • Take part in our Parenthood Advisory Council that presents workshops and forums of interest to families.
  • Join our Business Advisory Council and serve as our ambassador to corporate Long Island.
  • Share your marketing, social media, website or PR savvy by joining our Communications Advisory Board.
3. Share Your Connections
  • Does your business support local non-profits? Do you sit on the board of a foundation?  Are you a member of a local service organization? Introduce us, or let’s have lunch to discuss how we might work together to build a stronger, healthier community.

To Learn More, Please Call Lauren McGowan, Director Of Development, At (516) 626-1971 Ext. 320 Or Email:

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