Professionals and Schools

Professionals and Schools
Workshops for Education Professionals, Mental Health Professionals and Community Members
The staff at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is composed of highly-trained psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, alcoholism and substance abuse counselors, mental health counselors, vocational rehabilitation counselors and family advocates, all with expertise and experience in working with children and families.
At the Guidance Center, we develop specialized treatment plans for children and their families. We employ a team approach to ensure that each child receives appropriate care and is monitored for risk and danger.
We welcome referrals from professionals – school personnel, pediatricians, child care specialists, social workers, therapists and others.
Additionally, we offer professional education and consultation on mental health issues to frontline professionals who serve children and families.
The Guidance Center offers a variety of community education, consultation and training programs on Long Island that can be presented throughout the community: at schools, libraries, local organizations, in the workplace and in individual homes. Speakers are available both for day and evening events. Honoraria/fees will vary depending on length, time and location.
Our staff is available to speak on many issues of parenting and family life. In addition we can also provide workshops for professionals in the field and businesses. The following is a list of some of the workshops that we offer. If you are interested in a topic that you do not see listed, please contact us.

Workshops for Schools
- How to Deal with Bullying/Cyber Bullying on Long Island
- How to Work with Anxious Parents and Children
- Working with Children on the Spectrum
- The Oppositional Student
- Dealing with the Special Needs Child
- School Refusal: Models that Work
- The Multidimensional Child
- Identifying Risky Behaviors
- Promoting Emotional Wellness in Children
- Suicide Prevention
Workshops for Professionals
- Promoting Wellness in your Life
- Work and Family Issues: How to juggle conflicting demands
- Impact of Sexual Abuse: What to look for and how to help
- Working with Adoptive Families
- Impact of Trauma on Families & Children
- Use of Creative Dramatics as a tool in Therapy
Workshops for Businesses
- Promoting Wellness in your Place of Work
- Developing Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace
- Work and Family Issues: How to juggle conflicting demands
- Resolving Conflict in the Workplace
- Going Back to Work: What new mothers and fathers need