Problems We Address



Bereavement refers to the state of loss that follows the death of a loved one. This state can be expressed in a multitude of symptoms, including trouble sleeping, a loss of appetite, anger, guilt, mood swings and lower productivity.


Children and teenagers experiencing bereavement often grieve differently than adults. The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry lists several signs that a child may be having serious issues after a loss, such as an extended loss of interest in activities, acting younger for an extended period of time, withdrawal from friends, repeated statements of wanting to join the late loved one, decrease in school performance, school refusal or repeated imitation of the late loved one.


It is incredibly important that children and teenagers struggling with bereavement seek mental health assistance if necessary. The Lucille and Martin E. Kantor Bereavement and Trauma Center in Roslyn Heights offers assistance to children, youths and their families during times of grief and trauma, including parents of murder victims and other homicide survivors (POMV).  For more information about our services, please call us at 516-626-1971.


Related programs:

The Schnurmacher Bereavement & Trauma Program

Lucille and Martin E. Kantor Bereavement and Trauma Center



Psychology Today: Bereavement

AACAP: Grief and Children

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