Problems We Address

Learning Disabilities


Learning disabilities can contribute to many difficulties for children and teenagers in school. Though learning disabilities and disorders can be difficult to classify, some of the most common disorders include dyslexia (difficulty with reading), dyscalculia (difficulty with math) and dysgraphia (difficulty with writing). Dyslexia is the most common, with over 2 million children in the United States receiving special education services for a reading disorder.


Children and teenagers with learning disabilities often need specific accommodations or extra help in school. The Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) ensures that children with learning disabilities are eligible for special education services or accommodations at school. If your child has a learning disability, contact their school about available accommodations and assistance.


North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center offers comprehensive diagnostics assessments by highly qualified teams of caring psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and mental health counselors with special expertise in diagnosing and treating children. Our Learning to Learn Center offers specialized screening, diagnosis, and tutoring for children suspected of having learning and attention deficit problems and developmental disorders. For more information about our services, please call us at 516-626-1971.


Related Programs:

Learning to Learn Center



CDC: Learning Disorders in Children

Learning Problems in Teens

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