Problems We Address


Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth ages 15 to 24 years old and the third leading cause of death for youth ages 10 to 14 years old. The majority of youth who attempt suicide have a significant mental health condition, most frequently depression.


Warning signs of suicide may include talking or writing about suicide, mood swings, withdrawal from social contact, feeling hopeless, increased substance use, risky or self-destructive behavior, giving away belongings, changing normal routines and personality changes. Risk factors for suicide include a recent or serious loss, a psychiatric disorder, prior suicide attempts, substance abuse, family history of suicide, lack of social support and bullying.


With the Douglas S. Feldman Suicide Prevention Project, North Shore Child & Family  Guidance Center addresses high-risk cases with a thorough evaluation for suicide risk; multiple sessions of individual, group and family therapy each week; and an individualized, culturally sensitive treatment plan that focuses on safety strategies, healthy coping skills and relapse prevention. Evaluation with a psychiatrist regarding the possible use of medication will also be provided, when needed. We also provide in-home treatment and referrals to programs and services that will support your efforts to protect your child. Unlike many providers, the Guidance Center promises that at-risk children and teens will be seen within 24-48 hours, when the case is deemed urgent.


The Fay J. Lindner Foundation Triage and Emergency Services at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center offers rapid response to psychiatric emergencies – a sudden set of circumstances in which there is an impending risk of danger to the child or adolescent such as a risk of suicide, risk of physical harm to others, and a state of seriously impaired judgment in which the child is endangered. Our team will assess if the situation is urgent and will arrange an appointment to see the child within 24 to 48 hours.


Our goal is to strengthen, stabilize and support. For more information about our services, please call us at 516-626-1971.


Related Programs:

The Douglas S. Feldman Suicide Prevention Project

Fay J. Lindner Foundation Triage and Emergency Services


National Resources:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (United States): 1-800-273-8255

Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741

In an emergency situation, call 911.


Read more on our blog:

Suicidal Thinking in Young People: Know the Signs

Recognizing the Risk of Suicide

Guidance Center Expands Suicide Prevention Efforts



AACAP: Teen Suicide

Child Mind: Teen Suicide Risk Factors

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