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North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center Receives Donation from Fortunoff Backyard Store

by | Jan 30, 2015 | Press Releases

The Fortunoff Backyard Store has made a campaign contribution of $7,500 to North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center to support its mission of restoring and strengthening the emotional well-being of children and families. The donation was made as part of a new campaign initiative to succeed the Campaign for the Next Generation that raised $2.5 million.

According to Guidance Center Executive Director Andrew Malekoff, “This contribution from the Fortunoff Backyard Store will be used to strengthen our capacity to provide universal access to mental health care to children and families of all socio-economic backgrounds. As government support wanes we are depending, more and more, on the community to take ownership in the Guidance Center. Our campaign is aimed as sustaining our services well into the future. We thank the Fortunoff Backyard Store for their generous support.”

Fortunoff Backyard Store CEO Bernard Sensale commented that “the Fortunoff Backyard Store is proud to make this contribution that helps our community as it helps the North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center expand its important mission. The Fortunoff family has long supported their good work, and we’re happy to help continue that effort”.

North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is the pre-eminent children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center leads the way in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, training, parent education, and advocacy.

The Guidance Center helps families to raise healthy children and works with kids (ages 0-24) who are troubled, in trouble, or causing trouble and parents who need help in these stressful times. Difficulties range from depression and anxiety, developmental delays and school failure, from substance abuse to family crises stemming from illness, death, trauma, and divorce. We offer outpatient mental health counseling and teen drug abuse and prevention services.

Our highly-qualified staff consists of teams of caring psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, drug & alcohol counselors, mental health counselors, and family advocates, with expertise in working with children.

For more information about the Guidance Center, please visit, or email:

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