

Help Your Child Prepare for Camp

by | Jun 27, 2018 | Blog

Summer has finally arrived, and for many children and teens that means it’s time to head off to camp.

Long Island is loaded with camps from Manhasset to Montauk, from traditional day camps where the focus is on fun (think swimming, arts & crafts and sports) to academic camps that help teens learn skills that will help them prepare for college, as well as their college applications. Of course, there are also overnight camps and residential teen programs all over the country and around the globe.

With so many types of camps, how do you determine which is best for your kid? According to Jill Tipograph, Founder/CEO of Everything Summer & Beyond, a Manhattan-based independent educational consultancy for summer planning guidance (K-12 grades), there are many factors to consider before choosing a camp that will fit your child’s needs—especially if you are planning to send them to overnight camp.

“One of the greatest advantages of attending overnight camp is that it is simply so different from the rest of a child’s scheduled school year,” says Tipograph. “Campers arrive and have the opportunity to try new activities, in a new environment, surrounded by new friends and staff role models. They will try different foods, they will be away from their parents (often for the first time) and they will learn to navigate hitherto unchartered social situations. Not to mention having that critically important break from technology and social media.”

While all of these new experiences can be wonderful in helping your child grow and mature, going to sleepaway camp pushes children outside their comfort zone, and it can feel especially scary to kids who haven’t spent much (if any) time away from home. “For many children, a difficult transition to camp life is a very normal part of the journey,” says Tipograph. “It’s natural for campers to initially struggle with their newfound independence and their unfamiliar surroundings. They might experience homesickness and spend several days yearning for the comfort of their homes. And then, almost always, they will adapt. This is the beauty of camp. In fact, this is one of the most valuable lessons that camp will teach a child – that it is okay to be uncomfortable, and there is value to perseverance. Growth comes from discomfort, and achieving through challenges.”

Separation anxiety can also be an issue with day camp, especially for younger children. But whichever type of camp you are thinking of sending your child to, here’s some advice that Tipograph shares to helping them (and you) get over the “I want Mommy and Daddy” blues.

  • Remind them of all of the wonderful reasons that you picked that camp—of the activities they will get to pursue and the friends they will get to make. It is important in the long term that they participated in the process and decision, as that too reminds them they chose the camp with you, increasing their commitment.
  • Create an “emotional tool box” they can bring to camp. Have your child make this with you, including samples of favorite things that are comforting, so they can turn to this in times of sadness.
  • Reassure them that every camper is feeling some form of what they are feeling, and all of this is normal and to be expected.
  • Find out ahead how the camp works to lessen the impact of separation anxiety; share these strategies with your child so they understand who can help them at camp, and how.
  • Keep your parental “child sick” feelings to yourself; do not share or project onto your child your thoughts. As if they sense this, vulnerability can surface, making them feel badly that you miss them too much.
  • Do not overreact to letters home that reek of homesick statements, as kids write in moments of angst, and this is a catharsis process for them. If you sense trouble, call the camp to discuss this to evaluate if this is a pattern or a one-off moment. 
  • Do not “make deals.” Do not tell them if they are unhappy you will pick them up; this gives them an out, and does not build resiliency. Reinforce you know the camp cares deeply and they are there to help.

If you feel your child would benefit from some professional counseling to deal with heightened anxieties related to any issue, North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is here to help. Call us at (516) 626-1971.

Have a wonderful summer!

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