
Kids Like Elaina Thank You for Your Generosity!

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Blog

At North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, our promise is to see children from birth through age 24. In the last year, we have served an increasing number of young children who have experienced enormous trauma due to the pandemic.

Thankfully, we have a dedicated team of therapists who are specially trained to work with our youngest clients, employing creative approaches that help little ones move from hurting to healing.

We wanted to share with you a beautiful letter and drawing we received from one of those youngsters, a girl named Elaina.

We’ll let her words and images tell the story.


All of us at the Guidance Center are so grateful to all of you who support our work. Because we never turn anyone away for inability to pay, we count on your generosity to help us give children like Elaina the help they need to bring joy back into their young lives.

Thank you for caring for kids!

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