
Halloween Safety Tips

by | Oct 25, 2017 | Blog

Halloween is just days away, and kids of all ages are gearing up for the festivities. Before your children go trick or treating, here are 10 tips on how to make sure they are safe and sound as they celebrate the candy-filled holiday.

  1. Children 11 and under should not trick or treat at night without an adult. If they are old enough to go out without a grownup, they should go with a group and remain in well-known, well-lit areas.
  2. Remind them NOT to use their cellphones for texting while they’re trick or treating. They should keep their heads up and their eyes focused on where they are walking, not on the tech gear!
  3. Teach kids to be extra careful of cars; they should never dash from one side of the street to another, and instead cover one side at a time.
  4. Adults should drive extra carefully on Halloween, both during the day and in the evening. You can’t count on youngsters to follow the rules, so slow down! Be especially careful when pulling into or out of your driveway.
  5. When it comes to costumes, the lighter the color the better. It will make them much easier to see when it gets dark. For extra safety, add reflective tape or stickers to their costumes or trick-or-treat bags, or have them wear or carry glow sticks or a flashlight.
  6. Nontoxic makeup and face paint are better than masks, which can block your child’s vision. Test the makeup a day or two ahead of time to make sure there are no allergies.
  7. Check that shoes fit securely and costumes are not too long, to prevent tripping.
  8. Speaking of tripping, remove hoses, garden tools, bikes and other possible hazards from your front lawn and porch.
  9. Though candy tampering is rare, go through your kids’ candy before allowing them to eat it; throw away anything with a tear in the wrapper or that is homemade; and set limits on how much candy per day can be consumed.
  10. 10. Keep pets indoors and away from the front door. It’s especially important to bring your black cat inside, since they are at an even greater risk of harm.


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