In The Media

Lauren McGowan, Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust, Jim Knapp, Kathy Rivera

Making a Splash at The Guidance Center

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Blank Slate Media, In The Media


Published in Blank Slate Media on January 24th, 2024

The walls of North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center look a lot brighter thanks to the wonderful murals donated by Splashes of Hope. The nonprofit organization, dedicated to transforming environments “from clinical to colorful,” paid a visit to The

Leed’s Place — Serving Young People on December 20th with the intention of bringing warmth and cheer to the space. The Leed’s Place is home to a variety of specialized services benefiting the youth of Nassau County, including programs for pregnant & parenting teens and adolescents struggling with alcohol & substance dependency. Clients are now greeted by an expansive mural depicting “A Sea of Possibilities,” instilling hope in all who walk through the doors.

“Splashes of Hope has transformed our waiting areas into a welcoming, eye-catching, and positive environment for our patients and staff,” says Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust, Director of The Leed’s Place. “It’s exciting to see children and their families closely examining the custom mural, pointing out the various details they find interesting and exciting. The art has brought an exciting new life to The Leeds Place.”

“After meeting the staff at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center and learning about their mission, we measured and assessed The Leeds Place and couldn’t wait to make a ‘splash’,” said Heather J. Buggee, Founder and CEO of Splashes of Hope. “To serve as a reflection of the positive energy, care and concern this staff exemplifies, Splashes of Hope created uplifting, thoughtful murals and focal points for families who enter North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center. We are grateful to have this important resource for children and families in crisis. Our intention is for the artwork to transform the space into a welcoming and uplifting environment.”

Laurence W. Levine Foundation, a longtime supporter of Splashes of Hope’s work, made the beautification of The Leed’s Place possible. “The Levine Foundation is well aware of the importance of mental health awareness and treatment for children and their families,” said Lesley Logue, a Director of the Levine Foundation. “Splashes of Hope transcends a once-dull space into a peaceful, calming backdrop to elicit a therapeutic response in a place like the Guidance Center. The designs, artistry and colors used can transform not only the walls, but the whole process for everyone who enters! Our hope is to continue supporting Heather and all of Splashes of Hope as they bring comfort to those who are facing difficult times, splashing away some of the darkness by bringing more color to their lives.”

Thank you so much to Laurence W. Levine Foundation and Splashes of Hope for making this special project a reality!

Photo: Lauren McGowan, Dr. Nellie Taylor-Walthrust, Jim Knapp, Kathy Rivera

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