
Water Safety Tips

by | Jul 9, 2019 | Blog, In The Media

The summer season is upon us, with BBQs, beaches and fun events of all kinds in full swing. Whether your children are spending time in the water, playing sports, or on the playground, their wellbeing is always at the top of your list!  

Water safety is especially important for infants, including time spent in pools or in open water such as oceans and lakes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, three children die every day as a result of drowning. In fact, drowning kills more children ages 1-4 than anything except birth defects. 

The good news: There are many steps you and your family can take to stay safe in the water. Water Safety for Kids:

  • Take a friend with you in the water
  • Know your limits
  • Only swim where an adult is watching you
  • Wear a life jacket on open water
  • Keep an eye on the weather; get out immediately is you hear thunder
  • Don’t float where you can’t swim
  • Do not run or push near the water
  • Never face your back to waves in the ocean

Water Safety for Adults:

  • Always supervise children that are in or around water
  • Teach kids to swim
  • Install a four-sided fence around home pools
  • Learn the basics of CPR
  • Don’t allow your kids to swim in the ocean if no lifeguard is on duty
  • Tell your children to swim parallel to the shore if they are caught in a rip current or undertow

It’s important to note that water safety isn’t just about keeping kids out of danger at the beach or pool. Bathtub safety is equally important, especially for little ones. Babies (under age 1) most often drown in bathtubs, buckets and even toilets, so never leave them alone, even for a minute. Always apply non-stick pads or a mat to the bathtub, and put a rubber cover or washcloth over the faucet to prevent injuries if your child bumps into it.

Have a happy and safe summer!

Beat the Heat

Warm weather is nice for most outdoor activities, but too much heat can become dangerous, especially for young kids. Heat-related illness may occur if one participates in strenuous activity in very hot weather. Below are some tips to keep children safe when it’s hot. 
Never leave children or pets in a parked car even with the windows down
Dress infants in loose, lightweight, bright-colored clothing
Schedule outdoor activities for the morning or evening 
Apply sunscreen whenever you and your child go outside
Summer is tick season: check yourself and your children after being outside.

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