How Nature Promotes Good Mental Health
Does spending time outdoors as a child improve mental health as an adult? According to a new European study published in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research, exposure to nature—or what the researcher calls NOEs, for natural outdoor...
When Music Encourages Dangerous Behavior
For many generations, popular music has played a significant role in the lives of young people. Although it seems quaint now, the uproar over Elvis and his gyrating pelvis or the Beatles and their long hair was a real source of contention among the youth of the 1960s...
The Importance of Connecting with Our Kids
By Andrew Malekoff I wonder what young people think of the endless parade of public figures - government officials, businessmen, entertainers, professional athletes, college coaches and administrators - crashing and burning before their eyes. Perhaps F. Scott...
Recognizing the Risk of Suicide
Each year, May 9th is designated as National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day shines a national spotlight on the importance of...
Kratom: A Drug Parents Should Know About
When parents think about illicit drugs that can harm their children and teens, they probably first think of substances such as marijuana, LSD, heroin and cocaine. Also looming large is the epidemic of opioids, which is an enormous crisis for both youth and adults....
Growing Strong in the Garden
What is your favorite thing about springtime? Here at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the warm weather of April marks the joyful start of planting season at our two organic gardens—one at our headquarters in Roslyn Heights and the other at our Marks...
Is Your Family Ready for a Pet?
Today is National Pet Day, but in reality, for the estimated 65% of U.S. households that own a pet (nearly 80 million homes), every day is Pet Day! The benefits of having a pet in the family are enormous, impacting physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Dog owners,...
Helping Your Children Manage Stress
Many adults reflect on their childhood days through rose-colored glasses. We tend to remember the happy times— fun family vacations, close friendships, holiday celebrations and more. And there’s nothing wrong with reveling in such memories. But if we take off those...