On Tuesday, Aug.p 4, heavy wind and rain from Tropical Storm Isaias hit much of the east coast. More than 2 million customers in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut lost power as a result of the storm’s impact. One week later, some are still in the dark.
While power outages are always frustrating, the situation was made much more difficult with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. A large number of people are working from home and are dependent on their power, WiFi and phone services to be able to do so. With the cancellation of many summer programs and activities, lots of kids are bored at home already, and without power, they lose much of the entertainment they rely on so heavily.
As Director of Early Childhood and Psychological Services at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, I’ve seen how COVID-19 and social distancing protocols have reduced or even eliminated many opportunities for respite, such as staying at the home of a friend or relative who has power. All your usual options that can help in an outage aren’t necessarily there.
It is crucial that parents do their best to remain calm, as your children will model their own behavior from you. When you lose it, they will do the same—and, fortunately, the opposite is true, too.
Before the next outage hits, take preventative actions by creating power outage kits for the entire family. These should include necessities such as flashlights, batteries, nonperishable food and water, but also off-the-grid activities for the family to participate in together. In our digital world, it is especially important for children to find engaging activities that do not take place on a screen. Power outages provide an opportunity to introduce these experiences to your children and remind them of the need to disconnect every so often.
Though it can be hard to find anything positive that has come from the COVID-19 pandemic, parents have mastered the act of improvisation. For months, they’ve learned how to entertain anxious children and navigate uncertainty. While power outages can be difficult, they offer yet another opportunity to spend quality time with your children and to explore new activities.
Parents need to take a step back and try to think outside of the box. Power outages have provided the foundation for some of my most treasured memories. One time, my daughter wanted to bake cookies, but due to the power outage, she attempted to make them on a pancake griddle. Though the cookies may not have turned out as good as usual, the memory is one that always brings a smile.
Parents should also attempt to find the positive in this situation. Just as your children should try different, off-the-grid activities, you should do the same. It’s easy to slip back into the
smartphone-focused world we usually live in. Use this opportunity to establish small habits such as daily reading or writing time or meditation exercises that can bring calm to your day.
Younger children may enjoy hands-on activities such as making crafts, going on a scavenger hunt, putting on a puppet show or playing dress up. Older children can get lost in a book, engage in healthy competition in a board game or learn card games.
No matter the season, power outages are difficult for families to deal with, but when they occur alongside a pandemic and a heat wave, they are even more challenging. However, this experience may serve as a teaching moment for parents and kids to learn the benefits of unplugging and finding enjoyment in the simple things in life.
Dr. Sue Cohen is the Director of Early Childhood and Psychological Services at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971.
Roslyn Heights, NY, August 25, 2020 — On Thursday September 10, 2020 at 7 p.m., North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center and the Great Neck Chinese Association will be cohosting a free webinar titled “Anti-Asian Bias: What Parents Need to Know.”
“The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a substantial increase in acts of bias against Chinese Americans and other Asian-Americans around the country,” said Kevin Sun, Co-President of the Great Neck Chinese Association. “And it’s happening right here on Long Island. Kids and adults are being verbally harassed, spit on and shunned in stores. It’s a very concerning situation.”
While many families have shared stories with him about these incidents of racial bias, one was particularly heartbreaking. “The parents of a seven-year-old boy told me that some kids surrounded their son on a playground, cursing at him and making anti-Chinese remarks,” said Sun. “The little boy was frightened and traumatized, and the parents were devastated to see the impact on their child.”
“The Asian-American community is facing a backlash that’s similar to what Muslims faced after 9/11,” said Andrew Malekoff, Executive Director of the Guidance Center, the region’s leading children’s mental health organization. “Pandemic-fueled harassment and violence creates lasting trauma, especially for youngsters, and all of us are responsible to stand up against these horrific attacks.”
The webinar, which will air live but be recorded for later viewing, will cover the discrimination issues facing Asian-Americans and, most important, give people resources and information that they can use if they or their children are subject to harassment.
“It’s common in our culture for people to keep quiet about these matters, especially when they are new immigrants,” said Sun, “but if we don’t know specifics about the attacks, it’s much harder to help. There are people out there who can offer assistance, whether it be the mental health professionals at the Guidance Center or legal authorities.”
State Senator Anna Kaplan, who is the first political refugee and the first Iranian-American elected to the New York State Senate, will discuss anti-discrimination laws during the webinar.
“The crisis we find ourselves in has brought out the best and worst in people, and unfortunately we have seen a significant escalation of harassment and violence against the Asian-American community fueled by anti-Asian bias and xenophobia,” said Kaplan. “As Americans, we need to rise to this occasion, and face this challenge as a family, and there is no place in our American family for hatred and bias. I’m grateful for the efforts of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center and the Great Neck Chinese Association for holding this important event to empower our community with the tools we need to deal with this crisis, and I encourage everyone to participate and be part of the solution.”
Other participants will include Regina Barros-Rivera, Associate Executive Director of the Guidance Center;
Christine Liu, the Vice Chair of the Nassau Asian American Advisory Council and a board member at the Chinese American Association of North Hempstead and Herricks Chinese Association; and ChenXin Xu, Board Member of the Great Neck Chinese Association and Founder, New York Music & Arts.
The free webinar is open to everyone. Questions will be taken during the event, or people can email questions prior to the webinar at president@gnca.org.
For more information about the Great Neck Chinese Association, visit www.gnca.org. To learn more about the services offered by the Guidance Center, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org.
About Us: As the preeminent not-for-profit children’s mental health agency on Long Island, North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is dedicated to restoring and strengthening the emotional well-being of children (from birth – age 24) and their families. Our highly trained staff of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, vocational rehabilitation counselors and other mental health professionals lead the way in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, training, parent education, research and advocacy. The Guidance Center helps children and families address issues such as depression and anxiety; developmental delays; bullying; teen pregnancy; sexual abuse; teen drug and alcohol abuse; and family crises stemming from illness, death, trauma and divorce. For more than 65 years, the Guidance Center has been a place of hope and healing, providing innovative and compassionate treatment to all who enter our doors, regardless of their ability to pay. For more information about the Guidance Center, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org or call (516) 626-1971.
On Thursday Sept. 10 at 7 p.m., North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center and the Great Neck Chinese Association will be co-hosting a free webinar titled “Anti-Asian Bias: What Parents Need to Know.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a substantial increase in acts of bias against Chinese Americans and other Asian-Americans around the country,” said Kevin Sun, co-president of the Great Neck Chinese Association. “And it’s happening right here on Long Island. Kids and adults are being verbally harassed, spit on and shunned in stores. It’s a very concerning situation.”
While many families have shared stories with him about these incidents of racial bias, one was particularly heartbreaking. “The parents of a seven-year-old boy told me that some kids surrounded their son on a playground, cursing at him and making anti-Chinese remarks,” said Sun. “The little boy was frightened and traumatized, and the parents were devastated to see the impact on their child.”
“The Asian-American community is facing a backlash that’s similar to what Muslims faced after 9/11,” said Andrew Malekoff, executive director of the Guidance Center, the region’s leading children’s mental health organization. “Pandemic-fueled harassment and violence creates lasting trauma, especially for youngsters, and all of us are responsible to stand up against these horrific attacks.”
The webinar, which will air live but be recorded for later viewing, will cover the discrimination issues facing Asian-Americans and, most important, give people resources and information that they can use if they or their children are subject to harassment.
“It’s common in our culture for people to keep quiet about these matters, especially when they are new immigrants,” said Sun, “but if we don’t know specifics about the attacks, it’s much harder to help. There are people out there who can offer assistance, whether it be the mental health professionals at the Guidance Center or legal authorities.”
State Senator Anna Kaplan, who is the first political refugee and the first Iranian-American elected to the New York State Senate, will discuss anti-discrimination laws during the webinar.
“The crisis we find ourselves in has brought out the best and worst in people, and unfortunately we have seen a significant escalation of harassment and violence against the Asian-American community fueled by anti-Asian bias and xenophobia,” said Kaplan. “As Americans, we need to rise to this occasion, and face this challenge as a family, and there is no place in our American family for hatred and bias. I’m grateful for the efforts of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center and the Great Neck Chinese Association for holding this important event to empower our community with the tools we need to deal with this crisis, and I encourage everyone to participate and be part of the solution.”
Other participants will include Regina Barros-Rivera, Associate Executive Director of the Guidance Center; Christine Liu, the vice chair of the Nassau Asian American Advisory Council and a board member at the Chinese American Association of North Hempstead and Herricks Chinese Association; and ChenXin Xu, Board Member of the Great Neck Chinese Association and Founder, New York Music & Arts.
The free webinar is open to everyone. Questions will be taken during the event, or people can email questions prior to the webinar at president@gnca.org.
For more information about the Great Neck Chinese Association, visit www.gnca.org. To learn more about the services offered by the Guidance Center, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org.
LONG ISLAND (WABC) — With the academic year about to begin and the debate raging whether in-person, remote or hybrid learning is best for children and staff, many parents are experiencing anxiety over how to safely proceed.
On Long Island, Noah and his little brother Ayden are holding onto summer. But their parents are feeling anything but carefree. The boys will start second grade and kindergarten, respectively, in their homes. They have siblings even younger, and older grandparents who help care for them..
“The benefit doesn’t outweigh the risk,” mom Suzanne Jaramillo said. “I think every day we would come home worried.”
For Kelly McGrath Sullivan, it’s also about risk during the pandemic.
“I can’t have those what-ifs at night,” she said. “There’s just too many of them.”
Her boys lost their father eight years ago, and they say too much is at stake now.
“I know there are other people in this situation, where you only have one parent,” son and incoming freshman Jack Sullivan said. “And I can’t go to school and bring this virus home to my mother.”
That parental anxiety swings both ways, as other parents worry what will happen if they’re kids aren’t back in school five days a week.
“For me, it’s heartbreaking because I had my child come to me and tell me he’s depressed,” mom Maria Sanders said.
Many students struggle with remote learning.
“It’s just a loss to the children,” mom Jennifer DeMos said. “They’ve wasted time, and they’ve lost learning.”
So what can parents do to get through this? Weigh the pros and cons for your own family, talk to your older kids about what they want, and ask your school district as many questions as you can.
“Another fear they have is that school opens, right, and in another two weeks, they have to shut down again,” she said. “What is that going to do to the child emotionally? And also academically?”
She also warns that parents’ anxiety is often absorbed by their children, so it’s important to help them see the positive with the negative.
The North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center is pleased to announce that the nonprofit organization received a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from Nassau County for $147,500 to support its work serving Long Island’s communities during the pandemic crisis.
“During this most troubling and stressful time for so many families of all backgrounds, we are grateful to Nassau County for awarding us a Community Development Block Grant COVID grant,” Andrew Malekoff, executive director of the Guidance Center, said. “It could not have come at a better time. We are seeing an increase in young people who are experiencing depression and anxiety, are at risk for suicide and other self-harming behaviors, and cannot afford to be placed on a waiting list. This funding supports our ability to offer a rapid response and quality mental health care for all families who need us regardless of their ability to pay.”
Nassau County distributed nearly $2.5 million in federal CDBG-COVID funding to 12 nonprofit partners and nine municipalities across Nassau County to provide mental health and substance abuse services, youth and senior services, and health, safety, and accessibility upgrades for local community centers.
North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island, is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call 516-626-1971. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.
Roslyn Heights, NY, August 17, 2020 — North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is pleased to announce that the nonprofit organization received a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from Nassau County for $147,500 to support its work serving Long Island’s communities during the pandemic crisis.
“During this most troubling and stressful time for so many families of all backgrounds, we are grateful to Nassau County for awarding us a Community Development Block Grant COVID grant,” said Andrew Malekoff, Executive Director of the Guidance Center. “It could not have come at a better time. We are seeing an increase in young people who are experiencing depression and anxiety, are at risk for suicide and other self-harming behaviors, and cannot afford to be placed on a waiting list. This funding supports our ability to offer a rapid response and quality mental health care for all families who need us regardless of their ability to pay.”
Nassau County distributed nearly $2.5 million in federal CDBG-COVID funding to 12 non-profit partners and nine municipalities across Nassau County to provide mental health and substance abuse services, youth and senior services, and health, safety, and accessibility upgrades for local community centers.
North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island, is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.
About Us:
As the preeminent not-for-profit children’s mental health agency on Long Island, North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is dedicated to restoring and strengthening the emotional well-being of children (from birth – age 24) and their families. Our highly trained staff of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, vocational rehabilitation counselors and other mental health professionals lead the way in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, training, parent education, research and advocacy. The Guidance Center helps children and families address issues such as depression and anxiety; developmental delays; bullying; teen pregnancy; sexual abuse; teen drug and alcohol abuse; and family crises stemming from illness, death, trauma and divorce. For more than 65 years, the Guidance Center has been a place of hope and healing, providing innovative and compassionate treatment to all who enter our doors, regardless of their ability to pay. For more information about the Guidance Center, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org or call (516) 626-1971.
On Tuesday, August 4, heavy wind and rain from Tropical Storm Isaias hit much of the east coast. More than 2 million customers in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut lost power as a result of the storm’s impact. One week later, some are still in the dark.
While power outages are always frustrating, the situation was made much more difficult with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. A large number of people are working from home and are dependent on their power, WiFi and phone services to be able to do so. With the cancellation of many summer programs and activities, lots of kids are bored at home already, and without power, they lose much of the entertainment they rely on so heavily.
As Director of Early Childhood and Psychological Services at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, I’ve seen how COVID-19 and social distancing protocols have reduced or even eliminated many opportunities for respite, such as staying at the home of a friend or relative who has power. All your usual options that can help in an outage aren’t necessarily there.
It is crucial that parents do their best to remain calm, as your children will model their own behavior from you. When you lose it, they will do the same—and, fortunately, the opposite is true, too.
Before the next outage hits, take preventative actions by creating power outage kits for the entire family. These should include necessities such as flashlights, batteries, nonperishable food and water, but also off-the-grid activities for the family to participate in together. In our digital world, it is especially important for children to find engaging activities that do not take place on a screen. Power outages provide an opportunity to introduce these experiences to your children and remind them of the need to disconnect every so often.
Though it can be hard to find anything positive that has come from the COVID-19 pandemic, parents have mastered the act of improvisation. For months, they’ve learned how to entertain anxious children and navigate uncertainty. While power outages can be difficult, they offer yet another opportunity to spend quality time with your children and to explore new activities.
Parents need to take a step back and try to think outside of the box. Power outages have provided the foundation for some of my most treasured memories. One time, my daughter wanted to bake cookies, but due to the power outage, she attempted to make them on a pancake griddle. Though the cookies may not have turned out as good as usual, the memory is one that always brings a smile.
Parents should also attempt to find the positive in this situation. Just as your children should try different, off-the-grid activities, you should do the same. It’s easy to slip back into the smartphone-focused world we usually live in. Use this opportunity to establish small habits such as daily reading or writing time or meditation exercises that can bring calm to your day.
Younger children may enjoy hands-on activities such as making crafts, going on a scavenger hunt, putting on a puppet show or playing dress up. Older children can get lost in a book, engage in healthy competition in a board game or learn card games.
No matter the season, power outages are difficult for families to deal with, but when they occur alongside a pandemic and a heat wave, they are even more challenging. However, this experience may serve as a teaching moment for parents and kids to learn the benefits of unplugging and finding enjoyment in the simple things in life.
Dr. Sue Cohen is the Director of Early Childhood and Psychological Services at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971.
Two major New York State mental health advocacy organizations—the New York State Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare (the Council) and the Community Health Care Association of New York State (CHCANY)—have made a formal recommendation that New York State permanently removes barriers to the provision of telehealth visits for all New Yorkers after the COVID-19 pandemic disaster declarations have expired.
In their recent press release on the matter, they stated: “Increased use of telehealth has allowed primary care, mental health and substance use disorder care recipients who cannot physically visit a healthcare professional in-person to use their phone or computer to access the services they need.”
At North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, we support these efforts to ensure a comprehensive, coordinated and integrated continuum of care. I asked members of our mental health staff to share their experiences with telehealth during the pandemic so we could add our voice to the advocacy effort.
One of our staff members, Vanessa McMullan, who is a clinical social worker with special expertise in the area of postpartum depression, shared her thoughts with me. Beyond using her testimony to advocate for continued and permanent use of telehealth, I thought I would take this opportunity to inform you, my readers, about our experience in the transition to remote counseling.
As Vanessa testified: “I feel compelled to show my support in recommending that New York State permanently remove barriers in providing telehealth services for all New Yorkers following the COVID-19 pandemic.
“As a Licensed Social Worker who has been practicing for 15 years, I have seen families face many crises. With the current pandemic, it has been incredibly valuable to remain connected with clients, as well as engage new people in need of help. Without access to telehealth services, there are many families that we would be unable to monitor and help in a safe way. I truly believe that by providing essential care via teletherapy, mental health practitioners have saved lives.
“I am currently the Coordinator of the Diane Goldberg Maternal Depression Program at the Guidance Center’s Marks Family Right from the Start Center in Manhasset. We work with women who are pregnant or in the postpartum period around issues of maternal mental health. For women and families that are struggling with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, having a baby can be overwhelming, frustrating and in some instances, unsafe. Pregnant women, newborns and young children are a particularly vulnerable population in terms of their health, and there is understandable anxiety and resistance in going anywhere that can potentially expose them to sickness.
“This means that women will defer seeking mental health treatment in order to eliminate the risk of getting themselves and their children sick.
“We have seen this situation before as it relates to reaching these women soon after they give birth, as the recommendation has been not to bring the baby into public areas before they start receiving vaccinations at eight weeks old. This has caused some mothers to delay treatment, since they do not want to risk bringing their baby, but also have no one to leave them home with. Similarly, we have had mothers cancel sessions due to rain or snow, or predicted rain or snow, due to anxiety about bringing the child out in bad weather. They have verbalized it as being ‘selfish’ to bring the baby out to do something for themselves, in case something bad happens while on the road. These women are typically those who need services the most.
“Families have expressed relief in knowing that they are still getting the mental health services they need without bringing their baby to an office or clinic that could have serious implications. We are having ongoing conversations and processing if/when things will be safe again.
I think it’s important to realize that when the declaration expires, it does not mean that the crisis is over. Trauma lingers. We need to ensure that people will still be able to access services, and by allowing telehealth to continue, these efforts will be supported.”
By removing the barriers to the permanent use of telehealth and reimbursing telehealth visits on par with in-person visits, New York will go a long way to advancing a comprehensive, coordinated and integrated continuum of mental health care.
Andrew Malekoff is the Executive Director of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.
Cohen Children’s Northwell Health Coloring Book makes it easy to talk with your kids about COVID-19. Click Here to Download this coloring book made just for them in an easy to read format.
As COVID-19 cases begin to surge across the country, again, questions surrounding when life will truly return to normal rise along with it. And yet, our current plight is anything but a mystery. Did we really think we had this thing beat in less than four months? Was reopening such a good idea?
As New York State’s numbers, once the epicenter of the pandemic, continue to decline the only thing that everyone (well, almost everyone) can agree on is that, no matter where you are, this is still far from over. In addition to the virus itself, according to the American Psychological Association COVID-19 aggravates existing mental health problems while potentially onsetting new symptoms– symptoms that can outlast the virus.
There is a universal trauma happening.
It’s been well documented that trauma occurs from war, oppression, natural disasters, and individual experiences. The current pandemic is no different, except it is a “mass trauma” filled with “anticipatory anxiety” on a worldwide scale. Without a cure or vaccine, society collectively wonders– will it come back? Is it safe to reopen? As more people file for unemployment and businesses continue to shut their doors, physical recovery is compounded with an eye on financial recovery. These anxieties are known as “peritraumatic”, occurring around the time of trauma in the form of intrusive thoughts.
Jessica Corea, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, explained, “The world is experiencing a unifying trauma of loss and uncertainty. Patients are facing anxiety, depression, and financial stress all at the same time while trying to adapt to a new normal.” Even when the pandemic itself passes, it is sure to leave mass emotional destruction in its wake in the form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a classified mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Like any radical shift, the traumatic effects can go on for years.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder can happen to anyone.
“Previous epidemic studies report high prevalence rates among people exposed to the trauma resulted from an infectious disease epidemic,” the National Center for Biotechnology Informationreported on June 5, 2020. Just like SARS, MERS, and HIV/AIDS, COVID-19 survivors are most at risk for PTSD, followed by family members who directly witnessed a loved one suffer or die, medical workers, and the general public. Further, the psychological trauma was categorized into three groups. First, directly experiencing the symptoms. Next, witnessing those who struggled. And third, experiencing a “realistic or unrealistic fear of infection, social isolation, exclusion, and stigmatization.” Essentially, like the virus itself, everyone is at risk.
“There is now a new normal that may be with us for a long time. Just as 911 impacted our lives in many ways so has this pandemic. I would certainly call this a traumatic event that has impacted everyone,” noted Elissa Smilowitz, Director of Triage and Emergency at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center on Long Island.
Health experts across the globe are now preparing to treat patients with COVID-19 PTSD. Except the underlying issue is that PTSD symptoms don’t begin to develop until weeks or months after a traumatic event, and we are still in the middle of the pandemic itself. So, when does peritraumatic end and posttraumatic begin?
Medical News Today explains the four symptom types of PTSD are reexperiencing trauma, avoiding situations, negative changes in perception, and hyperarousal, in the forms of nightmares or flashbacks. Michigan Medicine’s Department of Psychiatry also reported, “PTSD is also associated with exaggerated activity in the brain networks associated with processing threat-detection and negative emotional responses.”
Reopening is contributingto a societal anxiety.
As cities across America roll back reopening, the response to COVID-19 is still being tackled on a state by state level. New York recently put gyms and malls on an indefinite pause while its New Jersey neighbor halted indoor dining. Meanwhile, in a reversal of events, New Jersey greeted shoppers at the local malls as Long Islanders enjoyed indoor dining at 50% capacity. In addition, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are now mandating a 14-day quarantine period for anyone traveling from 16 states– that’s double the amount originally reported only a week ago.
“The pandemic has really caused mental health struggles that I’ve never experienced. After postponing my wedding twice and losing two grandparents to COVID, all in less than a month, it feels strange that the world is trying to go back to normal so fast,” Long Island native Melissa Navon expressed of her personal struggles. “Nothing feels normal for me and the threat isn’t over yet. It’s difficult to explain how that feels to others who haven’t been personally affected. Many young people don’t think they need to wear masks. What they don’t understand, for some reason, is wearing a mask will protect those at risk. People like my grandparents might have survived this pandemic if everyone took the proper precautions.”
With no sense of stability or continuity mindsets are becoming increasingly fragile. After months of self-isolation reopening became a source of hope. The phases were planned, something to look forward to. Smilowitz said, “Some families are recognizing that the reopening is a good sign. However they are still anxious about whether these safety protocols will be enough.”
Focus on what you can control.
Beyond wondering how to behave there is continued concern over others behavior as well, as mask shaming trumps even political agendas. But the longer the pandemic goes on the less secure it all feels. Society is losing trust with its government and health officials, as new information spreads on a daily basis. Without a sense of guidance the internal battle to feel some sort of normalcy is lost.
Corea explained that early in the pandemic “patients were experiencing guilt for small aspects of joy” while others were suffering. Throughout, it has remained important for individuals to find balance and process fluctuating feelings. “It can shift within minutes given the current circumstances. Patients are encouraged to prioritize self-care and avoid running themselves down so they can be fully present, even if that means making a difficult decision to say no to others and setting more boundaries.”
Unlike scenarios of the past, isolation has been a key factor of the pandemic making traditional stress management unattainable. Something as simple as seeing loved ones can onset anxiety. But there are ways to cope.
“These thoughts don’t serve you. Live in the present, do not dwell. Having some control in your environment helps you feel more grounded and less anxious. Go slow, maybe just do one thing you would like to do and see how it feels,” advised Smilowitz.
How will we navigate PTSD in a post COVID world is yet to be seen, but experts across the board agree that for a large percentage of humanity it is inevitable. For a comprehensive list of ways to get ahead of COVID-19 PTSD, visit the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs National Center For PTSD.
North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center has two new members on its Board of Directors: Nassau County residents Jeffrey Greenblatt and Jacklyn A. Zitelli.
Jeffrey Greenblatt, who co-chaired the Guidance Center’s Trivia Night fundraiser this year, is Assistant Regulatory Counsel at PSEG Long Island. He received his J.D. from St. John’s and his B.A. from the University of Michigan.
“Long Island is a special place,” said Greenblatt, who lives in Syosset with his wife Jaclyn and three daughters, Hayley, Harper and Taylor. “It’s where I grew up, work and raise my family. I always feel good anytime I’m able to give back to the local community. That’s why it’s such an easy decision to join during tough times like these and support an agency like the Guidance Center now and in the future.”
Zitelli, counsel in Farrell Fritz’s real estate practice group, is a resident of Jericho, where she lives with her husband Michael and two children. She earned her J.D. from St. John’s University School of Law and her B.A. from Syracuse University.
“It is an honor to join such a great organization and to support its important mission,” said Zitelli. “I believe that children and families gain invaluable experiences from North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center throughout every stage of life. I’ve been appreciative of the services and programs offered through the Guidance Center for many years and am enthusiastic about now being able to directly contribute to its initiatives as a board member.”
Board President Paul Vitale is excited to welcome Greenblatt and Zitelli to the Guidance Center team. “Jeffrey did a great job getting a big crowd out for a fun experience at Trivia Night, and both his and Jacklyn’s energy and passion for our mission will be a huge asset as we navigate these challenging times.”
To learn more about North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, Long Island’s preeminent children’s mental health agency, please call (516) 626-1971 or visit www.northshorechildguidance.org.
Something’s been bothering me. It’s been festering since Memorial Day Weekend.
It was crystallized for me the other day when I turned the corner after walking just a few blocks from my home on my way to the neighborhood grocery store.
As I turned the corner, I spotted some activity in front of the new lunch spot that had just opened the day before. The menu looks appetizing: cheese steaks, burgers, salads, foot-long hot dogs, wings, tenders, fries and a variety of toppings.
There’s been a lot of turnover in that space over the years. Most recently it was a fancy taco spot and before that the specialty was grilled cheese. Years before there was a Subway there. The building itself is narrow with limited seating, including a few tables situated outside. There is some competition on the strip: a top-notch Jewish deli, Chinese takeout, a pizza joint and a Tex-Mex restaurant.
As I walked towards the sandwich shop, I spotted five young boys about 13 years old. They were sitting around a small table, no masks and inches away from one another.
I told this story to a few friends and there was an instant flash of recognition, suggesting that this is going on all over and not just with kids.
Everyone had a story, including one about group of Wall Street guys having a few drinks and a meal after a round of golf. They were situated in the same tableau as the teens, sitting casually around a dinner table, only in a fancier setting.
When I walk or ride my bike around town, I see people of all ages gathering closely together, no social distancing and no masks. Now that’s not everybody, for sure. But there are too many. Too close for comfort.
I imagine you have viewed the scenes of throngs of young adults sun bathing in a pool at the Lake of the Ozarks, Mo. The worldwide protests in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing seemed to bring everyone together and united in outrage in the fight for racial justice. And soon there are expected to be partisan rallies with packed houses of people who are being asked to sign disclaimers in the event that they become infected and seriously ill with COVID-19.
In all these situations – frivolous, deadly serious or politically motivated, the issue is not so much about only protecting oneself but protecting those with whom you come in contact after these gatherings – your loved ones, friends, colleagues, neighbors and strangers. No disclaimer protects them.
It is no surprise that with the beautiful weather and people having been sheltering-in for months, everyone was ready to be released and feel the freedom of walking the streets again, gathering on the sidewalks with neighbors and heading for the open spaces of local beaches, parks, playgrounds and ball fields.
And so many have been out of work for such a stretch that along with the freedom has come a return to work for the people whose jobs did not permit them to work remotely from home.
Kids were not allowed to finish their school years and for many their homes became pressure cookers as opposed to sanctuaries. We have all been more that ready to break out, spread our wings under the sun and embrace family and friends.
The timing for “opening up” has been influenced by an amalgam of science, politics, business, faith and personal belief. I believe strongly that opening up prematurely without adequate testing and contact tracing as well as consistent wearing of masks and social distancing is a formula for trouble and puts everyone at risk.
Nevertheless, I am afraid that complacency has set in.
Thinking back about the young teens sitting around the table at the cheese steak spot, I wondered to myself, what will it take for people of all ages to become aware of the potential consequences of such behavior? A vaccine may be our savior in the end, but why don’t we begin by practicing compassion?
What this means is first practicing self-compassion, taking good care of oneself. Then, listen generously, try to be fully present and practice putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. As the saying goes, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
In more present terms practicing compassion is simple: Wear a mask and keep your distance. That’s being kind. We are not nearly out of the woods. Not just yet.
Andrew Malekoff is the executive director of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.
When I was 10 years old, I discovered a thick folder in a box at my home in New Jersey. I twirled the string that held the flap secure and pulled out the contents—a cache of newspaper articles dating back to the mid-1930s. The articles were from the Newark Star Ledger and the Newark Evening News.
As I sifted through the news clippings, they all had one thing in common: They were about my father and his days as a high school athlete in Newark.
When I asked him where they came from, he replied, “Oh, your grandmother cut them out of the newspaper.” My grandmother Jennie was an immigrant from the part of Russia now known as Belarus. She and my grandfather Joseph came to the U.S. sometime around the early 1900s. Neither one spoke English at the time, only Yiddish.
I’m sure my grandparents knew next to nothing about American sports, but somehow my grandmother knew that her son was doing something noteworthy if his name was always in the newspaper.
To attest to their lack of knowledge about football, years later I learned that when my grandfather—a carpenter whom I called Pop—went to his first game and saw my father’s youngest brother get gang tackled, he ran onto the field and started throwing the opposing team’s players off the pile to free his son.
I had known that my father was an athlete in his younger years, but I knew none of the details that the treasure trove of news clips revealed. One in particular came to mind almost as soon as the Coronavirus pandemic led to “sheltering-in.”
Back when I first found the articles, I spent months carefully trimming them and using Elmer’s glue to paste them into a scrapbook that I’ve kept until this day. Today, talk of quarantine led me to dig it up.
As I flipped through the pages, I found an article with this long headline: Test Guard After Brother Gets Scarlet Fever. Streaks Minus Star, Meet St. Benedict Prep’s Gray Bee. Ace’s Return Hinges On Condition. My father Izzy was a guard on the basketball team.
The article, written by someone named Frank J. Fagan, went on to state: “The chances of South Side High School’s Sun Streaks in the state basketball tournament grew dimmer today when it became known that Izzy Malekoff, star guard, may be lost to the squad for the remainder of the season. Albert Malekoff, the South Side player’s younger brother, was taken down with Scarlet Fever on Saturday. Izzy immediately took up quarters with a teammate who lives near him.”
Fagan went on to write, “The Board of Health, however, has quarantined Izzy, who is to take a test today to discover if the fever germs have invaded his system . . . If it is found that the schoolboy athlete has contracted the germ, he will not be allowed to return to school for a month.”
Back in those days, signs were posted on homes of those who were infected that read: “Quarantine Scarlet Fever. No one shall enter or leave these premises except as provided by the State Department of Health or Local Board of Health.”
Although I have not done an exhaustive study on scarlet fever, what I learned is that there is no vaccine; recommended prevention includes frequent handwashing, not sharing personal items and staying away from other people when infected. I couldn’t find anything about six feet or wearing masks.
In the early 1900s, before antibiotics were available, it was a leading cause of death in children. Can you imagine if that was true in today’s Covid-19 pandemic? Perhaps some of our fellow Americans who appear to think older people are expendable would think twice.
In case you’re wondering, for some reason at the time I never asked my father how it all turned out. The story left my mind after first reading it.
Until now.
Andrew Malekoff is the Executive Director of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.
As I write this on the morning of May 25, 2020, I’m struck by what a different Memorial Day this is compared to what we have become so accustomed to. For the most part, there are no large gatherings on the beach; no parades led by high school bands; no throngs of people lining the streets, standing shoulder to shoulder and cheering on our war veterans; no big blowout shopping sales for furniture, home décor, cars and lawn equipment; and no family and friends’ barbecues without masks and social distancing (for those committed to practicing safety and sanity over vanity).
Yet Memorial Day remains the one day each year that we as a nation explicitly honor the more than one million Americans who died defending the United States beginning with the Revolutionary War of 1776, all the way through recent wars launched in response to the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on America.
For the uninitiated, I learned firsthand after my father died in 1994 that funeral flags are presented to the next of kin of deceased veterans who served honorably in the U.S. Armed Forces to honor their military service to his or her country.
It is a tradition among the family members to preserve their loved one’s flag for display. This year and every year on Memorial Day, in honor of all those who made the ultimate sacrifice, I display the burial flag that I was presented at my dad’s funeral in 1994.
I imagine my father, who was a part of what has become known as the Greatest Generation, would be proud to know that his flag, now faded from years of use, has been displayed again this year, at a time when the term memorial has additional meaning for hundreds of millions of Americans.
According to MilitaryTimes.com, “The fatality rate among Veterans Affairs patients continues to rise, with a significantly higher percentage of veterans stricken with the illness eventually succumbing to the disease than in the rest of the general public.”
Let me be clear that most of those who are dying and were lost to the pandemic, including our brave front-line medical personnel, are not casualties of armed conflict and their losses should not be conflated with the sacrifice of the war dead. Yet who can help but not think about them today, if even fleetingly.
Death is in the air.
Their loved ones have suffered a traumatic loss as have our Gold Star families, compounded by the fact that many could not be at their loved ones’ bedside in the end or partake in routine customs and rituals that typically follow a loved one’s death.
A variation of a line attributed to Joan Didion comes to mind: When a single person dies, the whole world is empty.
Grief is in the air.
Traumatic loss refers to the traumatic reaction an individual may have after a sudden and unexpected death or even a death that was expected. It involves both the yearning generated by the deep distress of separation as well as the disbelief and loss of hope that traumatic stress can generate.
Grief never goes away. Which is why days like Memorial Day that affirm it are so important, even though such days are never quite enough.
Each year this national day of mourning brings us together in body, mind and spirit, close up or six feet apart, to talk about and remember those who sacrificed everything. It is a day that offers the bereaved communal support and helps to reaffirm and re-establish a sense of community that is so critical to restoring a sense of hope.
Although there are the familiar social rituals that can help to support mourners through the process of normal bereavement, there is no custom or common ritual that recognizes the mourning that follows traumatic life events like armed combat, a terrorist attack, a natural disaster or the invasion of a microscopic mass killer.
Memorial Day alone is not enough to remember and honor our fallen heroes.
Remember them every day.
And whenever the day comes that we look back and remember those who perished in the pandemic of 2020, it will not be enough for a national holiday to incidentally evoke their memories.
Get a head start. Say a prayer or meditation for them today and every day.
Andrew Malekoff is the executive director of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.
Roslyn Heights, NY, May 14, 2020—When a group of longtime Syosset friends decided to come up with some fun ways to hold virtual get-togethers, the idea popped into their heads with one word: BINGO!
The couples—Alex and Leslie Arker, Jen and Neil Gallow and Ian and Karen Weiskopf— sent the word out through their social media networks that they were going to host a weekly bingo night on Zoom, called Bingo for a Cause, which would not only be great entertainment but also support nonprofit organizations involved in COVID-19 relief efforts, along with local businesses.
Its inaugural game was attended by more than 140 families, who donated $10 per bingo card. The winner received a gift card to an area restaurant or other retailer.
“After week one, we wanted to figure out a way to keep it interesting, so we asked Josh Lafazan to be the game caller for our second week,” said Leslie, whose daughter Emily interns for the Nassau County Legislator. “Everybody in Syosset knows Josh because he’s so great for our community.”
Lafazan recommended that the nonprofit to benefit from week six’s proceeds should be North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, Long Island’s preeminent not-for-profit children’s mental health agency, headquartered in Roslyn Heights.
“I learned about the Guidance Center from my mother, who proudly served on the board of directors,” said Lafazan. “Since I was inaugurated as legislator, the organization has made an enormous contribution to my community, helping to support mental health initiatives and community wellness programs. When Alex reached out about supporting a local program providing child adolescent health services, I was proud to recommend the Guidance Center!”
In the weeks following, the three couples and some of their friends reached out to their connections and were able to get two Syosset-born celebrities to act as game callers: Academy Award winner Natalie Portman and WNBA star Sue Bird, who played basketball for Syosset High School.
As of mid-May, Bingo for a Cause has raised $33,500 for local nonprofits, with the Guidance Center receiving more than $4,300.
Leslie Arker was pleased to have the Guidance Center as one of the game’s charities. “The work that the Guidance
Center does to support kids’ well-being is phenomenal,” she said. “It’s important every day, but now more than ever before with everyone’s life being so disrupted.”
Andrew Malekoff, Executive Director of the Guidance Center, expressed gratitude to the Arkers and all of the families who take part in Bingo for a Cause, as well Josh Lafazan for recommending the organization as a beneficiary. Said Malekoff, “The pandemic is causing major mental health challenges for children and their families, and we are proud to be there to help them heal during this unprecedented time.”
As the preeminent not-for-profit children’s mental health agency on Long Island, North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center is dedicated to restoring and strengthening the emotional well-being of children (from birth – age 24) and their families. Our highly trained staff of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, vocational rehabilitation counselors and other mental health professionals lead the way in diagnosis, treatment, prevention, training, parent education, research and advocacy. The Guidance Center helps children and families address issues such as depression and anxiety; developmental delays; bullying; teen pregnancy; sexual abuse; teen drug and alcohol abuse; and family crises stemming from illness, death, trauma and divorce. For more than 60 years, the Guidance Center has been a place of hope and healing, providing innovative and
compassionate treatment to all who enter our doors, regardless of their ability to pay. For more information about the Guidance Center, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org or call (516) 626-1971.
I celebrated my birthday on May 14 in the year of COVID-19.
My wife Dale and I usually go out with friends for our birthdays. Obviously, that wasn’t happening this year. So, we ordered in from one of our favorite Italian restaurants. I had baked ziti and Dale had seafood over pasta. We had a seven-layer cake for dessert.
It was a beautiful day all day, sunny and in the fifties. Some would say too cool for the spring, but perfect for me. After working remotely all day I took an hour-long walk.
Of course, walks now involve masks and neighbors dodging one another as if we all have some kind of disease. Then again, that’s the point. Maybe we do.
For my birthday, I assigned myself a research project.
I thought it would be interesting to get further perspective on current circumstances, by conducting a country-by-country, worldwide comparison of confirmed COVID-19-positive cases, against the New York Metro area numbers of the same.
Worldwide there were 4,294,101 confirmed cases of infection on May 14. My study includes only countries with more than 10,000 confirmed positive cases, interspersed with numbers from a few nearby places that we are all familiar with.
The United States leads the way with 1,420,000. But, before any other country enters the mix, I discovered that New York State at 340,661 cases leads the next country on the list, which is Russia at 242,271, followed by Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy at 221,216.
To be clear, I’m not including a population comparison or accounting for underreporting or variable rates of testing. Just raw numbers.
Next on the list is New York City (all five boroughs combined) – I want to be a part of it New York, New York – at 188,545, beating out Brazil and Germany, both in the 170,000s and topping the State of New Jersey – ba da bing – at 141,560 barely topping Turkey and then followed by France, Iran and the People’s Republic of China.
China reports 84,464. How can that be right?
Less than 10,000 behind China is Long Island at 75,892. We’re less than 10,000 behind? How did that happen?
Close behind Long Island is India at 74,281, followed by Peru and Canada. Just topping 70,000. Before we get to the next country – Belgium, Queens, comes in at 57,748, which is followed by Brooklyn at 50,667 – Fuhgeddaboudit.
Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands are in the low 40,000s just before Nassau County which is at 38,587, a few strides ahead of Mexico and, followed by Suffolk County at 37,305.
Among the countries that follow Nassau and Suffolk Counties, all with more than 10,000 and in descending order, are Ecuador, Switzerland, Portugal, Sweden, Qatar, Belarus, Singapore, Ireland, United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Poland, Israel, Ukraine, Japan, Austria, Romania, Indonesia, Colombia, South Africa, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Kuwait, South Korea, and Denmark.
I thought it was astonishing that after the United States, which tops the list, that New York State, New York City and New Jersey were among the top 10; Long Island and Queens in the top 20; and Brooklyn, Nassau and Suffolk Counties all in the top 26 worldwide.
Happy birthday to me.
Andrew Malekoff
Andrew Malekoff is the executive director of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.
Rumor has it that Shakespeare wrote King Lear during the plague. So, how’s working at home during our modern day plague going for you?
Social media and other sources are replete with articles about how you can use your time during the pandemic to be more productive. Not only are you supposed to be working remotely at full capacity – or even harder, because, after all, it’s a time of crisis for your company– but you’re told it’s a great time to learn a new hobby, declutter your closet, get in shape and, while you’re at it, write that play or novel that’s been brewing in the back of your mind.
While you and your family are experiencing one of the most stressful, uncertain and challenging times in our country’s history, you are being encouraged to tackle your to-do list and use all of those “extra” hours to accomplish more than ever.
The truth is, we are all in survival mode. Not since 9-11 have we felt a similar shock to our systems and existential threat to our welfare. And, with no definitive end to this period of isolation and upheaval in sight, you are bound to be way more than a little off your game.
The roles we use to define our worth—our ability to earn a living, to protect our families, to provide an education for our children—are under threat. A large part of our identities are based on interactions with our colleagues, friends and family. But the need for social distancing has thrown those foundational elements of our lives into chaos.
While the chances of you or a loved one dying from COVID-19 may be relatively small in stark terms of percentages, it’s not at all unreasonable to be so frightened that focusing on even simple tasks is difficult.
Bottom line: Now is not the time to put pressure on yourself to be a superstar. Give yourself—and your employees, bosses, kids and everyone else—a break. If you’re working from home, expect to be less productive than usual. We’re all living through a period when our bodies and minds are on high alert. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. In fact, it would be unnatural to feel otherwise.
If you’ve got kids at home, the challenges are multiplied. You’re now expected to be teacher, playmate and parent. If you work on the front lines, or in a grocery store or any other public-facing job, you’re putting your health at risk. And your financial portfolio has likely tanked.
For everyone’s sake, adjust your expectations. Expect your kids to be more clingy and anxious than usual. Expect them—and yourself— to be more tired or easily triggered to anger. Let your loved ones express their feelings, and talk to someone about your own. Tell your kids it’s normal to be frightened, but reassure them that the best scientists in the world are working on solutions, and that we will get through this.
Instead of training for the marathon, focus on the basics for you and your family: Eat healthy foods, mostly. Take some walks (dogs are loving this). Get up from your desk and stretch. Play ball with the kids. Allow yourself to get some extra sleep. Keep clearly defined work hours. Limit your news consumption to a “need to know” basis.
Don’t isolate. Use technology to stay in touch with peers, friends and family. Texts aren’t enough. Use Zoom or FaceTime so you feel truly connected. And when speaking with your co-workers, ask them how they’re doing.
We’re in uncharted territory, and there’s no right way to cope. This is a time when doing the best you can is a perfectly acceptable goal.
Bio: Jenna Kern-Rugile is Director of Communications at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, a children’s mental health agency that serves all of Nassau County. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via video and phone while its buildings are closed. For more information, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org. To schedule an appointment, email info@northshorechildguidance.org or call (516) 626-1971.
As a child growing up in New Jersey in the 1950’s and 60’s, one of my favorite things to do when school let out for the year was to get up, ride my bike to the candy store, meet up with friends, pick up a newspaper and check out the baseball box scores from the previous night’s games.
I liked reading about my favorite players. I’d check their batting averages, earned run averages, runs batted in, stolen bases and home runs.
I cannot fully imagine what it is like to be a kid today, at a time when school let out for the first time I can ever recall for reasons other than the school year coming to its natural ending. Rather, it came to an abrupt end for reasons of health, safety, life and death.
That’s a lot for a kid to handle.
The end of school was always bittersweet for me. I was happy and relieved to get a break from the daily routine, and sad to say goodbye until September. It was a ritual that was a normal part of growing up. It was also a far cry from leaving with no decent goodbye and no baseball or box scores to look forward to—only an inescapable sense of incomprehensible dread.
Riding one’s bike to a store of any kind today requires, in addition to a helmet, wearing a mask and gloves and staying six feet apart from everybody else, including your best pals.
As for box scores, the only one you can find in print or on social media these days is a list of states, cities, towns and villages and the corresponding number infected and dead.
Our children left school unceremoniously amid a global pandemic. Whether they say it in so many words or express it through their behavior, don’t lose sight of the fact they are experiencing loss and are grieving all that has been taken from them.
Our kids fear for the future. And you don’t have to say a word for them to see how this is affecting you and how you are managing your own stress and uncertainty.
Although keeping routines at home can help, to whatever extent our kids experienced a sense of normalcy in their lives, their lives are no longer the same. If there was tension in your home before the shutdown, it has likely intensified. Where there were little or no fears about mortality, they may now be pervasive. Loss is a key theme; the loss of normalcy, a sense of safety and hope.
What to do? Try your best to be attuned to and manage your own anxiety. Remain calm. Don’t force, but encourage your children to express their feelings. How? By striving to be a good listener. Do your best to provide them with honest and accurate feedback and information. Be reassuring and hopeful. Limit media exposure (box scores included). And, finally, don’t hesitate to seek outside professional help, which is now available by phone and video conferencing through North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center.
If there is an opportunity, model and encourage kindness wherever and whenever the opportunity presents itself. To paraphrase Mother Teresa, acts of kindness may seem simple, but their echoes are endless and hopeful.
Andrew Malekoff is the executive director of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971 or email info@northshorechildguidance.org. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.
In my February column, I wrote about the fact that I had a stem cell transplant in early December 2019, about a month before I heard for the first time about the coronavirus.
The transplant entailed getting an unrelated donor’s stem cells to replace mine; then, if all went according to plan, these cells would grow into a new immune system to seek and destroy my cancer cells.
As a result of the transplant, all of my childhood vaccinations became ineffective. I was instructed to stay in isolation for at least four months in order to avoid infectious and possibly deadly diseases like influenza. Consequently, I have been quarantined since December.
Just a day before writing this, a friend told me that I’m a “trendsetter.”
I knew very little about viruses before the coronavirus came along—only that they were microscopic infectious organisms that invade living cells and then reproduce. In an effort to review what I had been (mostly unconsciously) protected from before transplant, I Googled the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and found a piece entitled, “Vaccines for children: Diseases you almost forgot about.”
I was reminded that most of us had vaccines as children for some of the nastiest viruses, including polio, which invades the brain and spinal cord and leads to paralysis; tetanus, a potentially fatal disease that causes lockjaw; whooping cough, which can lead to violent coughing that makes it difficult to breathe; and many more.
Most older adults are familiar with chicken pox, mumps and measles. I had two of them as a young teenager. One that I forgot about is diphtheria, which affects breathing or swallowing and can lead to heart failure, paralysis and death. There are several more.
I imagined the panic that parents must have felt and the pain that young children must have experienced before vaccines were discovered to prevent these horrible infectious diseases.
For the time being, I cannot replace my old vaccines. I must wait for at least one year while my new immune system gets stronger.
The idea of being in isolation and maintaining a safe social distance for a few months post-transplant made sense to me. I was well prepared by doctors and nurses and I knew my wife would be a great caregiver, so I thought I could do the time.
And then, the coronavirus came along.
For me, being quarantined was an old hat by the time a national emergency was declared and everything started to shut down. I learned that this new virus’ main target was the lungs and people older than 60 years with underlying health conditions were its primary targets.
I fit the bill and knew that I’d have to do more time: at least another three months, my transplant doctor told me. The only difference is that this time, hundreds of millions of people would be joining me.
I was well-prepared before and after my transplant. I knew why I had to self-isolate and for how long. No one, including me, was prepared for COVID-19 and the mass quarantine that it now requires—not only to protect oneself and one’s family, but also to protect strangers. Mostly older strangers like me.
Scientists and other health professionals were the heroes of viral epidemics gone by. I do believe we will get through this, with people like immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci leading the way.
Still, the unknown is what is most frightening. We all want answers, yet some remain illusive at the moment. This is an opportunity for all of us to strengthen our tolerance for ambiguity.
When will this end? No clue. Will it come back? No idea.
Although my new immune system needs more time to protect me, I just found out after a PET scan that I’m in complete remission from my cancer.
Will it come back? No idea.
We are all in the same boat, living in uncertainty, whether young or old, healthy or unwell. As Plato said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”
Andrew Malekoff is the executive director of North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center. To find out more, call 516-626-1971 or visit www.northshorechildguidance.org.
In my August 2019 column titled “Thank You,” I expressed my gratitude for the cancer researchers and practitioners who have been instrumental in getting me through the last 10 years of my life. As I explained, my cancer was responsive to treatment, but it was persistent and kept reemerging.
Since that piece was published, it was determined by my “team” that I was eligible for an allogeneic stem cell transplant, which meant getting someone else’s stem cells to help rebuild my immune system. Although this is a risky treatment, it does offer the possibility of a cure, which routine chemotherapy and immunotherapy do not, at least not for my type of blood cancer.
The team thought that given my age and overall good health and fitness, this was the best window within which to proceed. After considering all of the information with my family, I agreed.
The transplant was scheduled for December and required that the hospital find a non-related donor. I was fortunate enough that a stranger was discovered through the donor registry.
I spent three mostly difficult weeks in the hospital. The first phase was “conditioning,” in which I received high doses of chemotherapy and total body irradiation. Next came the transplant. The final and longest phase, which I am in now, is recovery. There is the risk of “graft versus host disease”– the possibility of the new cells not only attacking the cancer, but other organs in my body—which is part of what recovery aims to prevent.
Currently, I am vulnerable to many ailments and illnesses as I have the immune system of a newborn baby. It will become stronger over time, and eventually I will receive all of the childhood immunizations, which are now rendered useless.
This is all background that leads to what I really want to talk to you about: my experience with the personnel involved in the transplant.
The three nurses depicted in the photo, along with an attending physician (not pictured), presided over my stem cell transplant on Dec. 12, 2019, at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Some consider transplant day to be a new birthday. So now, I have two. I don’t know the identity of my donor, although there is a process in which I can communicate with that person to thank him or her directly if I so choose, in due time.
Obviously, as the photo reveals, the nurses are a diverse group. At the time of transplant, I asked them a little about themselves. Among the three nurses are a Muslim, Christian and Buddhist. The attending physician is Hindu. I am Jewish. There are racial and ethnic differences as well.
I teared when I said, “With all that is happening in the world, all of the hate, you represent the truth about the value of diversity.”
With their permission, I snapped this photo with my cell phone from my hospital bed. Amid the rampant and unrelenting stories of hate, this is a graphic reminder that diversity is our strength.
We cannot afford to squander it.
Andrew Malekoff is the executive director of North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center, which provides comprehensive mental health services for children from birth through 24 and their families. To find out more, visit www.northshorechildguidance.org.
Please click the photo to watch the WABC interview and video.
LONG ISLAND (WABC) — Kids aren’t out on the playgrounds, and they aren’t inside their schools as a result of COVID-19.
Several weeks into this pandemic, some families may be settling into this new norm — but others are reaching a crisis point.
“We’re getting a lot of referrals from urgent care, where they are trying not to hospitalize the kids, and they’re sending them to us,” Regina Barros Rivera said.
“They’re beginning to isolate, they’re not sleeping, they’re having passive thoughts of suicide or self harming,” Barros Rivera said.
But she says there’s help virtually. In fact, many therapists are fully up and running now and are even doing intake for new, young patients.
For the Stensland family in Huntington, it was a matter of continuing a group friend session for their 12-year-old son Jimmy.
“I should be interacting a lot more with my friends via text, email, phone calling,” Jimmy said.
Jimmy’s mother Gina Stensland said she thinks sometimes kids need to be reminded.
“It’s so easy to be so lazy once your school work is done,” she said.
Jimmy’s virtual help comes from a group called Kidz Helping Kidz in Melville. That’s where Sarah Wagenberg and her family turn, as well.
“I think as a mom, it’s been hard just trying to keep everyone occupied, get a sense of routine,” Sarah’s mother Marissa Wagenberg said.
The issues range from frustrations due to online schoolwork to more serious health issues that are plaguing families everywhere.
“I have some kids who actually have parents that have the coronavirus, so they talk about that,” Kidz Helping Kidz mental health expert Dana Kane-Glickman said. “They’re very concerned, will we ever go back to school? Will life ever be normal again?”
The pleasant surprise is that they say virtual support is much more helpful than they thought.
Therapists are also getting a glimpse of family dynamics at home in a way they’ve never seen before.
As the Coronavirus pandemic has come to dominate a good deal of our daily lives, are we, as Dr. Suzan Song suggests in U.S. News and World Report, “on the brink of a mental health pandemic that our current system is not equipped to handle?”
Recent polling by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that almost half of U.S. adults said the pandemic has affected their mental health, while more than half believed that they would be exposed to COVID-19 because they could not afford to stay at home financially.
At North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, where we work with children, teens and their families, we’ve made the transition from face-to-face office, home and school-based visits to remote video conferencing sessions. Although we didn’t formally poll the families we work with, judging by feedback from our therapists, the mental health impacts of COVID-19 are pervasive.
Most of the children we see haven’t come to us because of COVID-19 fears, although we are starting to get referrals specifically related to the pandemic. Nevertheless, everyone we see is impacted by it. The problems that they came to us for in the first place—most often depression and anxiety—are exacerbated by the fear and uncertainty that the Coronavirus brings.
Many of our recent referrals come to us from urgent care or as the result of hospital discharges. Along with depression and anxiety, some are also experiencing panic attacks, crying spells, passive suicidal thoughts and urges to self-harm.
As one of our therapists reported: “Using Zoom video conferencing sessions to navigate family therapy has given me the opportunity to remain connected with the family while working with them virtually to discuss ways they can practice and implement better communication skills. Zoom sessions have also allowed me to work with my client individually to review and practice coping skills she can utilize when experiencing low moods.”
The challenges brought on by the pandemic are significant. Kids don’t know when they will return to school and, for many, when their moms and dads will return to work. Being in close quarters with their family 24/7 can feel like a pressure cooker, particularly when the stress of isolation from friends, economic worries at home and terror about the possibility of a loved one becoming ill and dying are constantly at play.
It’s fairly common knowledge that as many as one in five Americans experiences some form of mental illness, and the pandemic has greatly escalated their symptoms. As Dr. Song stated, “In my psychiatry practice, some of my college-aged patients who were previously able to manage their depression and anxiety are crippled in paralyzing fear of going outside, or depressed about the loss of their year and uncertain of their future.”
The Guidance Center’s seamless transition from in-person to virtual practice has made a significant difference for our families. When all feels like it is being lost with the limits that the shutdown has exacted, being able to maintain the routine of mental health counseling was a great relief. Parents have expressed gratitude for the continuity and for knowing that we have not abandoned them.
Of course, we can only do what we are doing because we have the technology to do so. And, as Dr. Song affirmed, “Prior to the pandemic, telehealth was not always covered by insurance; restrictions have temporarily been lifted for many, but need to continue post-pandemic.”
At the same time the nation’s mental health is declining due to the pandemic, the number of mental health professionals accepting insurance—and particularly psychiatrists—remains low due to the substandard rates of reimbursement that health insurers pay.
Federal mental health parity law demands universal access to care, yet health insurers rarely comply by providing adequate networks of providers, and government does not adequately enforce this law.
During this uncertain time, now more than ever we need to ensure universal access to care in order to flatten the mental health curve for our children and families.
Andrew Malekoff is the executive director of North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, the leading children’s mental health agency on Long Island. The Guidance Center is seeing new and existing clients via telephone and video during the COVID-19 crisis. To make an appointment, call (516) 626-1971. Visit www.northshorechildguidance.org for more information.